Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Apple Carpaccio


  • One apple, peeled
  • ExtraVirgin Olive Oil
  • Flaky sea salt
  • Honey
  • Parmesan Cheese

To get you in the happy cooking mood, here's a song I thought fit here well. 

  1. Shave your apple. This (to me) means that with whatever method, slice up your apple as thin as you possibly can. I used a cucumber slicer. You can spritz your apples with some lemon juice, to prevent them from turning brown. 
  2. With the same slicing method you used for your apple, slice some Parmesan cheese over your apples. 
  3. Now drizzle with some olive oil, and add a couple pinches of salt.
  4. Finally, add some honey over the top. Add as much or as little as you like. 

Ahh, apples. They are not only delish, but are also filled with nutrients that are essential for normal growth and nutritional well-being.  A great source of dietary fiber, they can also be used as a home remedy to clear your throat from mucous when you're sick. Apples are rich in Vitamin C, beta carotene, flavonoids, and Vitamin B-complex.